We have zero tolerance when it comes to animal cruelty in the Houston metro area. Our teams are uniquely equipped to rescue many types of animals from all kinds of abuse and neglect.

If you need help, call 713-869-SPCA

Report Cruelty

Kids can help save lives, too!

Your donations support our community programming, including our activities for the next generation of animal supporters.

Donate Today

Your Donation Makes a Difference

Your gift helps an animal in our care right now! Without you we could not do the work we do – so please consider a gift today!

Donate Now

We are open!

We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the Houston SPCA Pet Wellness Clinic, dedicated to serving the beloved pets of our community. Our clinic is committed to delivering top-notch yet affordable veterinary care for your furry companions, encompassing essential vaccinations and preventatives.

As of now, our services encompass vaccinations, preventatives, and online pharmacy services (coming soon). However, we do not currently offer veterinary care for injured or unwell pets, nor do we provide spaying or neutering services. Stay connected with us through social media for the latest updates on our Pet Wellness Clinic as we work diligently to expand our offerings in the near future.

Pet Wellness Clinic
  • Donate
  • Report Cruelty

Chevron Houston Marathon

Masthead background
Masthead background

Run For A Reason

Whether you’re an avid marathoner or just want to stroll a 5K, you can meet your goals and support a local mission at the same time! You don’t even have to run at all to be part of the Houston SPCA team. Fundraise, be a HERO, or even just donate to not only prioritize your health and fitness, but help animals in need, too.


How to Register

Interested in participating with Houston SPCA in the Chevron Houston Marathon Run for a Reason Program? There are a few ways to join the team.

Fundraise for Registration
In order to participate, you can commit to our fundraising minimum of $300 to $550, depending on your race of choice. We will cover your race entry fee once your fundraising commitment is met!
HERO Registration
Purchase your entry at a reduced price and pay a one-time donation of at least $350 to fast-track the process! Plus, you can still fundraise after registration if you'd like.
Just Fundraise
Not sure you want to run, but would like to support the team? Say no more! You can just contribute to or host your own fundraiser.

Ready to Run?

Visit the Chevron Houston Marathon Run for a Reason website for more information and details about participation and registration. Once you’ve chosen how to register, head over to our page to get started!


Your Support Saves Lives

Right now, our ambulance is responding to a call of an injured pet, our investigations team is working hard to rescue an animal from a cruel situation, and our adoption team is helping pets find loving homes. Won’t you join us and save animals in so many ways? Here's how we helped animals in our community in 2022:


total animals served


reports of animal cruelty investigated


wild animals brought in for care

Giving Matters