We have zero tolerance when it comes to animal cruelty in the Houston metro area. Our teams are uniquely equipped to rescue many types of animals from all kinds of abuse and neglect.

If you need help, call 713-869-SPCA

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Kids can help save lives, too!

Your donations support our community programming, including our activities for the next generation of animal supporters.

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Your Donation Makes a Difference

Your gift helps an animal in our care right now! Without you we could not do the work we do – so please consider a gift today!

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We are open!

We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the Houston SPCA Pet Wellness Clinic, dedicated to serving the beloved pets of our community. Our clinic is committed to delivering top-notch yet affordable veterinary care for your furry companions, encompassing essential vaccinations and preventatives.

As of now, our services encompass vaccinations, preventatives, and online pharmacy services (coming soon). However, we do not currently offer veterinary care for injured or unwell pets, nor do we provide spaying or neutering services. Stay connected with us through social media for the latest updates on our Pet Wellness Clinic as we work diligently to expand our offerings in the near future.

Pet Wellness Clinic
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  • Report Cruelty


Adopt a Farm Animal

Chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, goats — oh my! Learn more about how to bring a farm animal into your life.
View Available Animals

A Lot of Love to Give

Every year, the Houston SPCA shelters and cares for hundreds of farm animals, most of which found their way to the organization through our cruelty investigators.

Our first order of business is to get them healthy. This typically includes vaccinations, deworming, treating external parasites, castrations, and trimming hooves and tusks. We also spend as much time as possible getting to know their individual personalities and needs. Some are extroverts and would be great in most homes; some are mischievous and will need an owner who appreciates that. Some are unsocial or have special needs and need someone experienced and willing! Our staff spends a lot of time socializing and loving on our farm animals!

We love experienced adopters, but we do get novice adopters and like to make sure they have done some research and have realistic expectations and good resources. We always require they have a good veterinarian and understand the needs of the species they are interested in.

Farm animals can be wonderful pets and have a lot of love to give. Would you consider giving one a home?

Interested in adopting a farm animal? Get started by filling out this application.

Fill out this form and a member of our team will be in touch! Equine and farm animal adoptions are by appointment only.

Start Here