We have zero tolerance when it comes to animal cruelty in the Houston metro area. Our teams are uniquely equipped to rescue many types of animals from all kinds of abuse and neglect.

If you need help, call 713-869-SPCA

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Your gift helps an animal in our care right now! Without you we could not do the work we do – so please consider a gift today!

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We are open!

We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the Houston SPCA Pet Wellness Clinic, dedicated to serving the beloved pets of our community. Our clinic is committed to delivering top-notch yet affordable veterinary care for your furry companions, encompassing essential vaccinations and preventatives.

As of now, our services encompass vaccinations, preventatives, and online pharmacy services (coming soon). However, we do not currently offer veterinary care for injured or unwell pets, nor do we provide spaying or neutering services. Stay connected with us through social media for the latest updates on our Pet Wellness Clinic as we work diligently to expand our offerings in the near future.

Pet Wellness Clinic
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How To Keep Wildlife Safe On Halloween

Halloween, a festive time filled with costumes, candy, and spooky decorations, is a cherished celebration for many. However, amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to consider the potential impacts on the environment and wildlife. With some thoughtfulness and simple adjustments, we can ensure that our Halloween festivities do not come at the cost of harming our wildlife.

The best way to keep squirrels and other wildlife safe on Halloween is by not leaving any harmful treats out that they can reach.

The best way to protect wildlife this Halloween season is by choosing environmentally friendly decorations that can be reused or recycled. Instead of plastic decorations, consider using biodegradable options or create decorations from recycled materials. By embracing sustainable options, we can prevent the accumulation of non-biodegradable waste that can harm wildlife habitats.

Avoid decorations with closed holes or loops. This limits the possibility of animals getting caught. Also, avoid decorations with small or dangling pieces that might look edible to wildlife. Be cautious of the use of fake spider webs, as they can be very dangerous to owls.

When driving, in addition to watching out for Trick or Treaters, be cautious of the Raccons or Opossums that may find themselves out in the streets due to being spooked.

If you decorate with pumpkins, be aware that it could attract wildlife. After the celebrations, compost your pumpkins to prevent them from ending in landfills. Additionally, be mindful of the candles used in Jack-o’-Lanterns, opting for LED lights instead to reduce the risk of fire hazards and protect wildlife from potential harm.

Lastly, Please do not leave candy where animals can get to it, and adequately discard wrappers.

As we indulge in the Halloween spirit, remember it’s our responsibility to protect our wildlife. By making mindful choices in our decorations and treats, we can ensure that our celebrations positively impact our wildlife!

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